DiscoveryLab Protocols & Services
The following methods are being developed and offered as collaborative services and through contracts:
- Production of pure, stabilized proteins including 15N 13C, and 2H labelling,
- Preparation, stabilization and analysis of membrane protein complexes using the SMALP system to produce native nanodiscs
- Optimization of solution conditions using standardized buffer and additive matrices for rapid screening,
- Identification of ligands including drug-like molecules, lipids, glycans, nucleotides, amino acids and metabolites
- Mapping of membrane interaction sites by MODA and validation by NMR and mutagenesis,
- Ligand affinity measurement and specificity profiling
- Assignment of NMR signals and chemical shift perturbations,
- Characterization of protein dynamics,
- Structure determination of proteins and complexes, including phospholipid and micelle complexes.
The DiscoveryLab community refines and shares best practice, trouble-shoots problems, and develops accessible services and collaborative interactions. Please enquire for a free consultation and estimate.